Passing the torch to the next generation of societal leaders

Alumni Community

Dear Alumni,

We are delighted to welcome you on this page dedicated to growing our Community of 40u40 Alumni. You will find in the different sections an enhanced program with different activities and offers specially tailored for you. To give you an overview of what you can expect as part of the Alumni Community, we have picked four complementary types of activities for you!


Alumni Circles

Discover the Alumni Circles

Conversation Circles for Alumni!
Based on your unanimous feedback, we are happy to propose the organisation of Conversations Circles. These Circles dedicated to the Alumni will continue leveraging the co-development approach you experienced in the program.

Best deal

New Mentorship

Discover the Alumni Circles

Mentorship for Alumni
Those of you who would like to start a new Mentorship cycle of one year can make a request and we will do our best to provide you with a new Mentor in our pool of Supporters, with the objective to boost your leadership development further!

Growing Opportunities

We will continue offering exceptional activities bringing together past and current Cohorts as well as Supporters for conferences, workshops and seminars. Our curation aims at proposing activities that you don't find elsewhere!

Generating Impact

Along our ambition to contribute to a better Belgium in 2030, we will bring together and support those who want to take the lead on key societal challenges, and join forces with other actors whom we can partner with for a better society.

we need your support!

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Details on how to donate

Sponsor a project as a community of alumni

An Alumni book by and for Alumni


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